from the Down Tilt Team
This article is a bit of an update on what we do at Down Tilt and how, if you are reading this and are interested, can get involved with what is happening in the North of Tasmania. Firstly, a bit about ourselves:
Down Tilt is an esports organisation that was founded in 2016 as a branch of then studio, Salty Studios, after the business restructured Down Tilt was brought fully under the banner of the newly named, Smash Attack Studios. Primarily hosting events centred around the Smash Bros. series of fighting games, over the years the roster of games has expanded but more on that later. For now, let’s go over some of the events we run and how you can get involved.
“Latest results post by Jai2Go”
First up is Roadside Rumble, held weekly on Thursday’s is our largest and most popular event, featuring some of the best talents the state has to offer in regards to Smash Ultimate. A perfect starting point for those wanting to engage in the community. Headed up by staff with experience in running events and community support, we aim to build a competitive and fun environment for those wanting to explore the more exciting side of Smash Bros.
RR costs $10 to compete (50/50 venue and pot) coming to check out the event is completely free!
Next up is Tuesday Night Fights, held on a Tuesday as well, this is our weekly fighting game event, whilst Roadside is focused on Smash. TNF is built as a way to explore more games for the community from Dragonball FighterZ to Tekken and more. If you are interested in new events and games this is the night for you.
TNF costs $5 to enter (venue fee) coming to check out the event is free as well.
Lastly, we have our North Tas Smash Monthly, run one weekend a month (Saturday or Sunday depending), it brings the states best talent from North and South to compete as part of the official Down Tilt Power Rankings. This event is for those wanting to step up there game and see how they measure up against the rest of the state, competing at this event and its southern counterpart put you in the running for the rankings.
NTSM costs $5 for venue fee and $5 depending on what games are being run on the day (Ultimate/Melee) again as with other events it is free to come to watch.
So there is a bit of a description about what Down Tilt does, if you wish to join the community please follow us on our socials (Click here for Facebook or Click here for Twitter) and also join our Discord (Link Here).