By DT | MaxKiNG, DT | Chins, DT | EH | Cap Supreme, DT | Luma and Tezz
It’s here, the final top 3 positions, we want to thank everyone who participated in all the events we had over 40 unique players over the season which is great for a region that is finding is competitive space, thank you to Cooldown Esports Lounge for all their support, follow them here. Get ready for TFC in 2020 by clicking the link TFC V - Sign Up Here, and now to the final 3.
Kraw: Ultimate has brought out some truly unique and new talent since its launch and none exemplify this better than the pairing of Kraw and Ness. He has shown himself capable, determined and overall a threat to anyone who may come up against him.
Gerald: NorTAS has a boxing champion in the partnership of Gerald and Little Mac, holding an amazing record with an amazing head-to-head record overall the players on the rankings. Gerald has shown dedication through adversity with his Mac and midseason Joker to now his Chrom. Season 2 is shaping up to a big one for the champ.
DT | Luma: The undeniable number one player that Tasmania has produced for Ultimate, DT | Luma has shown his undeniable skill and tenacity with the game by maintaining a 100% win rate the entire season. A couple of close shaves but in the end, Luma has the right stuff to close it out and take the inaugural first place on the first Down Tilt Power Rankings.
So there you have it, the first-ever Down Tilt Power Rankings and our inaugural Top 10, again well done to all those who competed. Season 2 has begun with 2 amazing events and already 22 unique players having competed. We can’t wait to share with you the next PR and overall are excited for the future of Smash in Tas.